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How to share email templates in Mailmodo?

Last updated June 10, 2024

You can now share your email templates with others. Follow the guide below to get started in minutes.

Step 1: Create a     email template    . Learn how to use the editor     here    

Step 2: Once done, hover over the template in Your templates section. Click on the overflow icon and select Share template.

How to share email templates in Mailmodo?

Step 3: A modal will open. Configure who all can access the link. You can share the link with your team members or with anyone else who is not part of your Mailmodo workspace.

When you select anyone with the link, the generated link will expire in 7 days. Post 7 days, you need to generate a new URL.
How to share email templates in Mailmodo?

You can also share the template from view mode.

How to share email templates in Mailmodo?
CleanShot 2024-02-05 at 05.15.50

Step 4: Copy the link and share it. Your team members can seamlessly view the template across devices.

Here is how the template will look in desktop-

How to share email templates in Mailmodo?

Here is how it will look in mobile-

How to share email templates in Mailmodo?

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