Help CenterEditor and TemplatesEmail Template EditorHow to embed Tweets in the template?

How to embed Tweets in the template?

Last updated July 14, 2024

Discover how to embed tweets in your template in Mailmodo. While direct iframe integration is not available, there's a workaround that lets you convert tweets into images and then embed them into the template to effortlessly showcase your Twitter content.


You can use tools like  tweetpik  to convert your tweet into an image. Learn more about the  conversion  of a tweet into an image.

Steps to add the converted tweet image into the template

Step 1: Convert your tweet into an image using the tweetpik tool.

Step 2: After converting your tweet into an image go to the editor and upload the tweet image to your template.

How to embed Tweets in the template?
How to embed Tweets in the template?

You have now embedded a tweet into your template.

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