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How to create full width buttons?

Last updated November 23, 2023

Full-width buttons are a great way to make your email calls to action (CTAs) more prominent and eye-catching. They span the entire width of the email, making them impossible to miss. This can be especially effective on mobile devices, where users are more likely to tap on a large button than a small one. Full-width buttons can also help to create a more immersive and engaging email experience.


In Mailmodo you can use an image and add a URL to it to create a full width button.

Steps to create a full width button in Mailmodo:

Step 1: Select a temple ->In the Editor -> Add new block -> Basic elements -> Image

How to create full width buttons?

Step 2: Upload the image of your choice.

How to create full width buttons?

Step 3: To create a full width clickable button set the image size as 100% and add the URL and click on Save.

How to create full width buttons?

Step 4: Check the desktop and mobile view and send a test mail to ensure proper working.

How to create full width buttons?

Voila! We have now created a full width button in mailmodo.

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