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Troubleshooting issues with DMARC Record addition

Last updated December 24, 2023

Troubleshooting issues with the DMARC record

There may be a situation where even after adding the requisite   DKIM    DMARC   and   SPF   records, the domain verification fails and an error message similar to this is displayed:

Troubleshooting issues with DMARC Record addition

Solving this problem requires inspecting the DMARC and SPF records that have been added, and subsequently changing them if incorrect values have been entered.

To check the DMARC record that has been added to your domain
Troubleshooting issues with DMARC Record addition

Next, click on the drop-down next to MX Lookup, and you can check for DMARC record for your domain:

Troubleshooting issues with DMARC Record addition

Now, verify the DMARC record against it's correct value, which should be:


_dmarc TXTv=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:  ; pct=10; sp=quarantine

Multiple DMARC records are not allowed as they create issues in mail deliverability. You must only add 1 DMARC record.

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