Help CenterEmail DeliverabilityEmail DeliverabilityHow to view your domain reputation in Mailmodo?

How to view your domain reputation in Mailmodo?

Last updated April 22, 2024

A higher domain reputation means emails from your sending domain are less likely to get filtered to a recipient’s spam folder.

Adding your domain to Postmaster

To view your domain reputation, you need to add your domain to Google postmaster.     Learn how    

About reputations

The definitions of spam below includes mail detected as spam by Gmail’s Spam filter, and mail reported by users as Spam.

Bad: A history of sending an enormously high volume of spam. Mail coming from this entity will almost always be rejected at SMTP or marked as spam.

Low: Known to send a considerable volume of spam regularly, and mail from this sender will likely be marked as spam.

Medium/Fair: Known to send good mail, but has occasionally sent a low volume of spam. Most of the email from this entity will have a fair deliverability rate, except when there’s a notable increase in spam levels.

High: Has a good track record of a very low spam rate, and complies with Gmail's sender guidelines. Mail will rarely be marked by the spam filter.

Tip: Keep in mind that spam filtering is based on thousands of signals and domain reputation is just one of them.

    Learn more: Read Google's documentation    

Granting read access to

Once you have added your domain to Postmaster, you need to grant read access to Mailmodo.

Step 1:  Sign in to     postmaster     and click on the ellipsis icon against your domain. Click on Manage Users.

How to view your domain reputation in Mailmodo?

Step 2: Click on the plus icon on the bottom right corner of your screen.

How to view your domain reputation in Mailmodo?

Step 3: Grant read access to    

How to view your domain reputation in Mailmodo?

You will see a confirmation screen that read access has been granted to    

Once you have granted read access to Mailmodo, you should be able to see your domain reputation corresponding to your domain in Mailmodo under Settings->Sender Domains.


How to view your domain reputation in Mailmodo?
Please note that domain reputation is calculated based on campaign performance on Gmail email client only. 
Usually, when daily email volume is less than 500, domain reputation data may not show. There is a certain daily email volume threshold for data to populate in Google Postmaster Tool.

That’s it! You can now see your domain reputation in Mailmodo.

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