Help CenterAnalyticsCampaign AnalyticsBounce Reason report

Bounce Reason report

Last updated November 18, 2023

Bounce Reason Report

The Bounce reason report provides you with the insights why your emails bounce to understand and address email bounce issues in your campaigns. We categorise and present bounce reasons that empowers you to make data-driven decisions to improve your email deliverability and campaign success.

How to access Bounce reason report?

Log in to your Mailmodo account.  

  1. Navigate to the "Analytics" section in the left navigation
  2. Select the "Campaign" tab in the Analytics section.
  3. Within the Campaign tab, look for the "Bounce Reason Report"

What will you be able to do via this report? 

  • You will be able to analyse the aggregate bounce reasons based on the categories provided
  • You will be able to understand the overall bounce across campaigns to do course correction based on where your bounce rate is high. 

Information included in the Bounce reason report

Total sent emails: Shows the total number of emails sent.

Bounce Rate: Displays the percentage of bounced emails.

Emails Bounced: Shows the total number of bounced emails.

The bounce reasons categories are present in the report with the their respective percentage and count. 

  • Content Issues
  • Mailbox Issues
  • Email Address and Domain Issues
  • Unclassified

Bounce breakup - % of email bounced in each category.

Bounced - Count of emails bounced in each category.

Values are presented as whole numbers, and percentages are shown up to one decimal place.

Note: Bounce reasons are categorized based on common SMTP response codes. 

How to filter data in the Bounce reason report? 

You can filter the data based on a range of time filters. Choose a time filter from the dropdown menu or select "Custom Date" for a specific range. The default time filter is "Last 30 days."

  • Last 7 days
  • Last week
  • Last 30 days
  • Last month
  • Last 90 days
  • Last quarter
  • Last 6 months
  • Custom Date (up to 180 days)

You can also filter the list of campaign by type, with options for "All" and "Bulk."

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