Help CenterAnalyticsRevenue AnalyticsWhy All Campaigns Data in Revenue Analytics Is Not the Sum of Bulk, Trigger, and Journey Campaigns Data

Why All Campaigns Data in Revenue Analytics Is Not the Sum of Bulk, Trigger, and Journey Campaigns Data

Last updated June 13, 2024

All Campaigns data under Store Performance and Campaign Leaderboard is not the sum of Bulk, Trigger and Journey campaigns. We have explained the reason behind this in detail below.

Having same triggers and goals

If you have set same trigger and goal for multiple journeys, then a contact enrolled in all of these will be counted as completing the goal for all the journeys instead of just one. So when you check Journey Campaigns these multiple instances are counted as different sources of revenue. Same is true for Bulk and Trigger Campaigns.

For example:

You have set up a Journey A and Journey B with trigger as 'cart abandoned' and goal as 'placed order'. The customer have enrolled in both the journeys and completed any one them Now, both A and B are different journeys but the contact will be considered as reaching the goal of both the journeys. So, the revenue is coming from two places instead of one.

Removing multiple attribution

But when data for All Campaigns is compiled then these duplicated multiple entries are removed and only unique revenue instances remain (taking the above example: The revenue is now coming from one source). Hence your data might not be tallying up when you take the sum of campaigns individually and comparing with All Campaigns.

Hope this helps!

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