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Campaign Leaderboard

Last updated November 18, 2023

The Campaign Leaderboard report gives you the capability to learn from your top performing and even your worst performing campaigns for all the sent campaigns in your account. It helps your understand what worked/didn't work for you in the past. This not only helps you analyse the performance but also learn and reuse certain things like templates or subject lines that worked for you. 

By leveraging this report, you can enhance engagement, increase conversions, and achieve better results from your email campaigns.

How to access Campaign Leaderboard report?

Log in to your Mailmodo account.  

  1. Navigate to the "Analytics" section in the left navigation
  2. Select the "Campaign" tab in the Analytics section.
  3. Scroll to the Leaderboard report. 

What will you be able to do via this report? 

  • You will be able to view the list of campaigns sorted based on the selected metric in the table. E.g. You can check the top performing campaigns based on number of clicks in the last 60 days.   
  • Sort campaigns in both ascending and descending order based on the selected metric.
  • Use different filters in the reports to filter by metrics like open, clicks etc and campaign type.
  • Initially, you'll see the first five campaigns, but you can expand the list by clicking the "Show More" button. The maximum number of campaigns in the list is 10, regardless of the time filter.
  • Campaign names are clickable, and clicking on a campaign will take you to the individual Campaign Dashboard (ICD). The campaign will open in a new tab.

Information included in the Campaigns Key Metrics report

The key information included in the report includes: 


Campaign Name

Subject Line (of the campaign)

Metrics (Sent, Open, Click, Submission, Submission, Bounce and their percentages)

Note: The report is designed to be meaningful by excluding campaigns that you use for your internal testing and trigger campaigns. You can still see your test campaigns where sent count < 5 by using the filter in the report.

Note: Archived campaigns are not excluded from the report. 

How to filter and sort data in the campaign key metrics report? 

Time Filter

You can filter the data based on a range of time filters. Choose a time filter from the dropdown menu or select "Custom Date" for a specific range.  The default time filter is "Last 30 days."

  • Last 7 days
  • Last week
  • Last 30 days
  • Last month
  • Last 90 days
  • Last quarter
  • Last 6 months
  • Custom Date (up to 180 days)

Metric Filter

  • Open
  • Open rate
  • Clicks
  • Click rate
  • Submission
  • Submission rate
  • Bounce
  • Bounce rate
  • Unsubscribe
  • Unsubscribe rate

Campaign Filter

You can filter campaigns by type, selecting "Bulk" or "All" campaigns. The report defaults to "Bulk Campaigns" in this case.

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