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How to archive contacts in Mailmodo?

Last updated February 6, 2024

  • By archiving contacts, you can clean your mailing lists, efficiently organize and keep your contacts updated. It also helps you to keep your contacts within the total contacts limit of your plan.
  • To archive contacts in Mailmodo, you can achieve it by archiving a list or segment that includes the contacts you want to archive.

Archiving list/segment

Step 1: Go to     Segments and lists     in Contacts and click Archive from the overflow menu on the segment/list to be archived

How to archive contacts in Mailmodo?

Step 2: Enable Archive contacts and type ARCHIVE in the textbox below and click on Yes, archive segment/list to confirm. Please note that this action cannot be reversed.

How to archive contacts in Mailmodo?


Viola, the archiving will be in progress and you'll receive a notification when it's done.

Please note that the archived contacts will not be counted towards your plan limit. Please visit the pricing page to know the total contacts limit of your plan.

How will archiving contacts impact existing workflows and reports? 

  • Archived contacts will be removed from total contacts, suppression lists, existing segments, and lists. Existing journeys and campaigns if any will be stopped for the archived contacts.
  • Campaign activity data for the previously sent campaign will continue to be available in the system for the archived contacts. 

How to unarchive previously archived contacts?

The archived contacts will be unarchived if the 

  • The contact is imported via CSV, added manually, via the APIs, or from other apps (viz. Zapier, Make, Mixpanel, Salesforce, HubSpot,, etc)
  • An event or a campaign is triggered via the API and other platforms.  

How will the email activity of the archived contacts be impacted?

  • If an archived contact opens or clicks an email, submits a form in an email, or unsubscribes the respective status will be updated for the contact in the campaign
Please note that the contact will remain unarchived in the above scenarios and the campaign activity export to other platforms will continue to happen if enabled

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