Help CenterContacts and SegmentContacts & Contact ProfileUser Properties in Mailmodo

User Properties in Mailmodo

Last updated February 17, 2024

What are user properties (also referred to as “contact properties”) and their data types?

  • User properties are additional information about the contacts allowing you to personalize your communication. For example, first name, gender, age, etc
  • User properties can also have a data type associated with them on the basis of the value they hold. For example, age can be of data type number, first_name can be of data type string and any other property can be of data type boolean. 
We currently support string, number, boolean, and datetime data type values for user properties. Please refer to this article if you are looking to import datetime values for user properties

What are the default user properties and their data types in Mailmodo?

  • The below-mentioned properties will be made available by default in Mailmodo and their data type is predefined as below
Property Name Data type (Preassigned)Definition
first_nameStringFirst name of the user
last_nameStringLast name of the user
nameStringFull name of the user
genderStringGender of the user
ageNumberAge of the user
birthdayISO  Birthdate of the user in ISO format (Can also sent as UNIX timestamp)
phoneStringPrimary phone number of the user
address1String Line 1 of the address of the user
address2StringLine 2 of the address of the user
cityStringName of the city (or district, village or town) of the user
stateStringState, region or province of the user
countryStringCountry of the user
postal_codeStringPIN/ZIP Code of the user
designationStringDesignation of the user, usually related to their position at a specific company. Example: “VP of Engineering”
companyStringCompany of the user
industryStringIndustry of the user
descriptionStringDescription of the user
anniversary_dateISOAnniversary date of the user in ISO format (Can also sent as UNIX timestamp)
added_atISOThe date and time, the user was added to Mailmodo
updated_atISOThe date and time of an addition or an update to any of the properties of the user
sourceStringThe source from which the user was added to Mailmodo (API/CSV/Integration Name/Manual)
created_atISOThe date and time the user's account was originally created
last_openISOThe date and time of the user's last mail open.
last_clickISOThe date and time of the user's last mail click.
  • Now, you can send a contact’s created date, last open, and last click date in any system to us via the addToList API making migration to Mailmodo a bit simpler

Please upload the values as true or false for a boolean property  

What are custom user properties in Mailmodo and how will their data types be determined?

  • Any other property that you create apart from the default properties will be custom properties

Via the Dashboard

  • The data type of these properties can be assigned during creation using the dashboard

Via API and Integrations

  • If the property is sent via API or synced via 3rd party integrations, then the data type will be inferred from the value of the first instance of the property 

How to view all the user properties? 

From Contacts 

From Individual Contact Details Page

How to create and update user properties?


  • Via Dashboard
  • Via Integrations
  • We’ll create a new property for all the new properties we encounter when syncing the contacts with 3rd party integrations
  • Via API
  • We’ll also create a new property when we receive any new properties inside the data object via the addToList API


  • We’ll update the value of all the properties whenever you upload the values for any of the existing properties
  • When you integrate with Shopify, HubSpot, Salesforce, Mixpanel, and, we’ll automatically map their contact properties to respective default properties in Mailmodo

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