Help CenterIntegrationsShopify IntegrationBuilding Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

Last updated February 5, 2024

In this guide you will learn how to identify the engagement level of your customers using segmentation. This will be helpful to set the right marketing strategies for your customers depending upon their engagement hierarchy.

Although it's not advisable to send emails to every one of these categories shown below, but the analysis of  contact count within each hierarchy can provide valuable insights into your audience's interaction with your email communications.

Please note the segments shown below is applicable for users who have Shopify integrated with Mailmodo. If you have not integrated your Shopify yet here is the   guide   for the same. Also note, that we have created a typical scenario for a Shopify store selling online jewellery in India, the currency being INR. This is a exhaustive list however, you can modify the values based on your convenience and business use case

While creating these hierarchies we have analysed two primary types of behaviours - Purchase ( e.g. order value, frequency of purchase) and Engagement(e.g. email open). On top of it there are two elements considered : recency and frequency of activity.  Recency is more significant than frequency hence more recent customer comes above on hierarchy.

Customer Hierarchies

HierarchySegment example
Top SpendersUsers who placed orders at least thrice in the last 180 days, where the total order value of all is greater than 10,000.
Devoted SupportersUsers who placed orders at least thrice in the last 180 days, where the total order value of all is less than 10,000.
Rising StarsUsers who placed orders at least once in the last 180 days, where the total order value of all is between 3,000 and 10,000.
Potential AdvocatesUsers who placed orders at least once in the last 180 days, where the total order value of all is less than 3,000.
Email EngagersUsers who opened or clicked emails more than thrice in the last 30 days but have not placed any order.
Temptation SeekersUsers who opened or clicked emails at least once in the last 30 days but have not placed any order.
Quick boostsUsers who opened or clicked emails at least once in the last 3 days but have not placed any order.
Browsing ButterfliesUsers who started checkout at least once in the last 60 days but have not ordered the product.
Reviving PatronsUsers who placed orders at least thrice with a total order value greater than 10,000 in the last 4 months to a year but have not made any purchase in the last 4 months.
Dormant AdmirersUsers who placed orders at least thrice with a total order value less than 10,000 in the last 4 months to a year but have not made any purchase in the last 4 months.
Occasional SplurgersUsers who placed orders less than thrice with a total order value greater than 10,000 in the last 4 months to a year but have not made any purchase in the last 4 months.
Once-in-a-While ShoppersUsers placed an order at least once until now but the order was not placed in the last 4 months.
Hibernating SubscribersUsers who opened or clicked twice in the last 180 days but have not opened or clicked in the last 30 days and haven't made any purchase.
Inactive ProfilesUsers who haven't purchased or engaged in a long time

1. Top Spenders

  • Best customers who frequently purchase at a high monetary value  
  • Goal is to retain them by treating them like VIPs.
  • Discounts aren't necessary, but other perks and exclusivity matter. e.g. Users who placed order at least thrice in the last 180days , where total order value of all is greater than 10000

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Offer exclusive benefits like early access to products.
  2. Provide personalised recommendations and premium customer support.
  3. Send limited-edition offers and event invitations to make them feel valued.

2. Devoted Supporters

  • Loyal customers who buy often but with lower order values.
  • The goal is to increase their average order value. e.g. Users who placed order at least thrice in the last 180days , where total order value of all is less than 10000

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Suggest related or complementary products.
  2. Provide volume-based discounts and bundle deals to incentivise them to buy more
  3. Use personalised recommendations.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

3. Rising Stars

  • Customers with the potential for high value but infrequent purchases.
  • Recently made a high-value purchase but don't buy often.
  • The aim is to increase their purchase frequency. e.g Users who placed order at least once in the last 180days , where total order value of all is between 3000 and 10000

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Encourage their return by teasing VIP perks.
  2. Promote related and complementary products.
  3. Set up replenishment flows for regularly needed items.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

4. Potential Advocates

  • Recent customers with low frequency and low purchase value.
  • Focus on increasing their purchase frequency or order value. e.g. Customers who placed order at least once in the last 180days , where total order value of all is less than 3000

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Promote bestsellers, popular products, and items related to their previous purchases.
  2. Use targeted campaigns to encourage greater engagement.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

5. Email Engagers

  • Subscribers who regularly open and click your emails but haven't made a purchase.
  • The goal is to nudge them to make their first purchase by providing a compelling reason. e.g. User has opened or clicked emails more than thrice in the last 30 days but has not placed any order till now.

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Remind them of what they're missing by highlighting product value.
  2. Create persuasive messages.
  3. Use incentives as a last resort to motivate their first purchase.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

6. Temptation Seekers

  • Subscribers who have never made a purchase but recently engaged with your emails atleast once.
  • Capitalize on their recent interest with irresistible offers and limited period offers . e.g. User has opened or clicked emails at least once in the last 30 days but has not placed any order till now.

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Present steal deal offers and exclusive deals.
  2. Create a sense of urgency to encourage their first purchase.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

7. Quick boosts

  • Subscribers who have very recently engaged with your emails but haven't made a purchase.
  • Send a reminder email after product launch or sale announcements for revenue boost e.g. User has opened or clicked emails at least once in the last 3 days but has not placed any order

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Highlight new products, discounts, or limited-time promotions to encourage them to make a purchase.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

8.  Browsing Butterflies

  • Potential customers who have shown interest but haven't made a purchase.
  • Convert them into first-time buyers with social proof. e.g. User has started checkout at least once in the last 60days but has not ordered the product

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Build trust by showcasing previous customers' experiences.
  2. Use customer testimonials, reviews, and social media endorsements.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

9. Reviving Patrons

  • Customers who made significant purchases in the past but haven't purchased recently. e.g. User has placed order at least thrice with total order value >10,000 in between last 4 months to year but has not made any purchase in the last 4 months

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Win them back by informing them about what's new with your business and offering incentives.
  2. Re-engage them by updating them about new releases and exclusive offers.
  3. Use personalized recommendations to remind them of their previous shopping habits.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

10. Dormant Admirers

  • Customers who used to buy often but haven't made a purchase recently.
  • Experiment with winback campaigns but be cautious about low open rates. e.g. User has placed order at least thrice with total order value < 10,000 in between last 4 months to an year but has not made any purchase in the last 4 months

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Use targeted winback campaigns that highlight what they used to enjoy about your products.
  2. Offer incentives to encourage them to come back.
  3. Monitor open rates closely.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

11.  Occasional Splurgers

  • Customers with high-value but infrequent purchases.
  • Haven’t purchased recently. Made fewer than three purchases earlier, but purchase value was high e.g. User has placed order less than thrice with total order value > 10,000 in between last 4 months to an year but has not made any purchase in the last 4 months

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Carefully test winback campaigns with this segment. Can use 50% of the segment for testing or 500 contacts, whichever is larger. If open rate is high ( >10%) , unsubscribe rate is low (<2%) then only proceed with rest of the data
  2. Run winback campaigns emphasizing their previous high-value purchases.
  3. Utilize limited-time offers, exclusives, and personalized recommendations to rekindle their interest.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

12.  Once-in-a-While Shoppers

  • Customers who once or twice made low-value purchases 6-13 months ago but has not made any purchase recently e.g. User placed order at least once until now but the order was not placed in the last 4 months.

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Re-engage these customers with winback campaigns tailored to their past interactions.
  2. Test winback campaigns against 25% of the segment or 500 contacts — whichever is larger. If open rate is high ( >10%) , unsubscribe rate is low (<2%) then only proceed with rest of the data
  3. Consider offering them limited-time deals or discounts.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

13.  Hibernating Subscribers

  • Subscribers who used to engage but have recently stopped.
  • Caution is needed when using winback campaigns. e.g. User who opened or clicked  twice in the last 180 days but have not opened or clicked in last 30days and didn’t make any purchase.

Marketing Strategies:

  1. Employ winback campaigns addressing the reasons for their disengagement.
  2. Test winback campaigns against 10% of the segment or 500 contacts — whichever is larger. If open rate is high ( >10%) , unsubscribe rate is low (<2%) then only proceed with rest of the data
  3. Highlight exciting developments to reignite their interest.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

14.  Inactive Profiles

  • Subscribers who haven't purchased or engaged in a long time and should be removed from your list.

Marketing Strategies:

  • Focus on cleaning your email list and removing these inactive subscribers to maintain a healthy list and enhance email deliverability.
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity
Building Customer Engagement Hierarchies in Mailmodo Based on Shopify Activity

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