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Send referral emails using journey

Last updated July 31, 2024

Referral emails are a key marketing strategy that involves encouraging satisfied customers to recommend your products or services to their network. Leveraging the trust associated with personal recommendations, these emails not only foster brand advocacy but also contribute to cost-effective, targeted audience reach. They play a crucial role in increasing conversion rates, building brand loyalty, and promoting organic growth.

After a customer of yours makes a purchase, you can ask them to refer a friend and help them earn rewards or any other incentives. This guide will help you to build a journey that will send referral emails to your customers.


  1. Create an email template with a form embedded in it for referral. Make sure you collect the data from this form and add them to the respective contact properties.
  2. Create another email that conveys to the contact about the successful referral made with appropriate personalization parameters.

Creating the journey

You can use Mailmodo's prebuilt journey - Referral campaign that contains all the campaigns and delay blocks pre set to make the process of journey creation easier.

Send referral emails using journey

To build the journey from scratch, follow the below steps:

What triggers this journey

  1. Select "Occurrence of an event" as the trigger for this journey. For this, make sure you capture the event when a customer purchases a product from the store and choose this event in the trigger.
  2. You can also select "contact enters/leaves a segment" as a trigger by creating a segment that has contacts who have purchased from your store.
Send referral emails using journey

Add the first email campaign

Create an email template that contains all the information about the referral program, its benefits and a form in which the recipients can enter the referee's name and email ID.

Select this template in the "Send campaign" block in the journey. Add the rest of the fields in the block and set it up.

Send referral emails using journey

Check whether the contact has referred someone or not

Add a condition block - Submitted right after the campaign block. You can add a check if anyone has submitted this form or not and split the journey accordingly.

Send referral emails using journey

If yes, send a confirmation email

If the receipent has submitted the form i.e. if they have made a referral, send a confirmation email to the referrer (person who has made the referral).

If not, add a delay and send a reminder email about the referral

If they have not made a referral, you can send reminder emails after waiting for 2 days.

Send referral emails using journey

Reviewing and publishing the journey

You can test the journey before publishing it to make sure all the actions in the journey are working as per your expectations. You can learn more about testing a journey,   here  .

Once you have tested the journey, you can go ahead and publish it.

Viola! Now you have created a referral journey.

If you face any problem then reach out to us at  Mailmodo Support  or share your thoughts at  Mailmodo Product Feedback .

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