Help CenterIntegrationsZapierTrigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Last updated December 24, 2023

To trigger journeys in Mailmodo through your software stack via Zapier, follow these



1. Designed Journey to be triggered (  Refer guide  )

2. Mailmodo account connected with Zapier

1. Creating a Zap in Zapier to trigger the above campaign in Mailmodo whenever a row in appended in your Google Sheet

Step 1 - On the Zapier dashboard, click on 'Make a Zap'

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 2 - Since the trigger event will be addition of a row in your Google Sheets, in the trigger tab, choose Google Sheets

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 3 - In the Trigger Event section, choose 'New Spreadsheet Row'. Then click on 'Continue'

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 4 -  Select the Google Sheets account you want to use.

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 5 -  Select the Spreadsheet and Worksheet to be used to create the trigger

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 6 -  Once the trigger setup is complete, test it by clicking on 'Test trigger'

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

2. Setting up the App Event

Step 1 -  The action will be performed in Mailmodo. So, in the App Event tab, search for Mailmodo to add as an app.

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 2 -  In the Action Event tab, select 'Trigger Journeys' and click on 'Continue'

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 4 -  Next select the Mailmodo account. You will be asked to sign-in in the next step. Here, you need to paste the API key that you received in Mailmodo. 

You can access the API key anytime by going to the 'Integrations' tab in Mailmodo, and clicking on 'See details' under Zapier

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 5 -  Paste the API key in the box. Then click on 'Yes, Continue'.

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Step 6 -  Set up the Action Event.

Journey: Select the Journey to be triggered.

Email: Enter the Email ID to which the journey is to be triggered.

Recipient list: Select the list in which you want to add the 'created contacts' in google sheet into Mailmodo.

Step 7 -  Once Action Event is setup, test your trigger by clicking on 'Test & Continue'

Step 8 -  If the events have been correctly setup, following screen will appear. Click on 'Turn on Zap' and the Zap will be successfully configured

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Zapier

Henceforth, any row appended in the selected Google Sheet will trigger a journey in Mailmodo.

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