Help CenterContacts and SegmentEventsSample Event Templates

Sample Event Templates

Last updated December 24, 2023

Sample event templates to help you get started

Event nameWhen to sendSample event propertiesSample JSON
Signed UpSend this event when a user signs up / registers for your product or services.1. source → The type of sign-up, e.g. organic, paid ads, or referral 2. first_name → The first name of the user. 3. last_name → The last name of the user. 4. title → The title of the user. 5. location → The location of the user { "email": "<>",    "event_name": "Signed Up",    "event_properties": {        "source": "Lorem",        "first_name": "Jane",        "last_name": "Doe",        "title": "Mrs",        "location": "Ipsum"    } }
Product ViewedSend this event when a customer views an item on your website or app.1. product_id →    Unique id of the product being viewed 2. category →    Product category being viewed. For e.g. Sports 3. name →  Name of the product being viewed 4. price → Price of the product being viewed 5. currency → Currency of the transaction 6. url → URL of the product page { "email": "<>",    "event_name": "Product Viewed",    "event_properties": {        "product_id": "507bcf86cd799439011",        "category": "Sports",        "name": "Nike Running Shoes Black",        "price": 79.99,        "currency": "USD",        "url": "https: //"    } }
Checkout StartedSend this event whenever a customer starts making payment for cart items.order_id → Order/transaction IDvalue →  Total value of the order.category →    Product category being viewedname  →  Name of the product being viewedprice → Price of the product being viewed { "email": "<>",    "event_name": "Checkout Started",    "event_properties": {        "order_id": "507bcf86cd799439011",        "value": 99.99,        "products": [            {                "category": "Sports",                "name": "Nike Running Shoes Black",                "price": 79.99            },            {                "category": "Accessories",                "name": "White Socks",                "price": 20            }        ]    } }
Product Purchased Send this event whenever an order/transaction was successfully completed by the customer.order_id → Order/transaction ID value →  Total value of the order. category →    Product category being viewed name  →  Name of the product being viewed price → Price of the product being viewed{ "email": "<>",    "event_name": "Product Purchased",    "event_properties": {        "order Id": "507bcf86cd799439011",        "value": 99.99,        "products": [            {                "category": "Sports",                "name": "Nike Running Shoes Black",                "price": 79.99            },            {                "category": "Accessories",                "name": "White Socks",                "price": 20            }        ]    } }
Trial StartedSend this event when a customer initiate a trial period for your product or service.trial_start_date → The date when the trial starts.  trial_end_date  → The date when the trial ends.  trial_plan_name → The name of the plan being trialed.{ "email": "",   "event_name": "Trial Started",   "event_properties": {       "trial_start_date": "2022-11-17",       "trial_end_date": "2022-11-24",       "trial_plan_name": "Standard"   }}
Onboarding CompletedSend this event when a new user has completed the onboarding checklist on your website or app source → The type of sign-up, e.g. organic, paid ads, or referral signup_date → The date when the customer has signed up on the platform plan_type  → The plan your customer has subscribed for, e.g. free, standard, premium, etc.{ "email": "",    "event_name": "Onboarding Completed",    "event_properties": {        "source": "Organic",        "signup_date": "22-11-10",        "plan_type": "Premium"    } }

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