Help CenterJourneyAnalyze your journey performanceHow to view and access my running journey dashboard?

How to view and access my running journey dashboard?

Last updated May 6, 2024

How to view the Journey Dashboard?

Step 1: Got to     Journey     from the left navigation menu.

Step 2: Click on any published journey from the journey listing page to view the dashboard.

How to view and access my running journey dashboard?

1. Overview

How to view and access my running journey dashboard?

Contacts overview

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 11.28.25 AM
  • Contacts added
  • The total number of contacts added to the journey
  • Contacts active
  • The total number of contacts that are currently part of the journey.
  • Contacts completed
  • The total number of contacts who completed the journey
  • Contacts failed
  • The total number of contacts for whom the journey failed for reasons like bounces, unsubscribes, limit exhaustion, etc
  • Orders (if Shopify Integration is enabled)
  • Number of orders placed

Journey summary and Campaigns performance

  • The journey summary aggregates the metrics for all the campaigns present in the journey and campaign metrics showcase the metrics of the particular campaign
  • Please find below the definitions of the metrics
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  • It's the number of emails sent in the campaign. The emails which are set to be sent at some time in the future
  • The count would be tentative in case a list/dynamic segment is selected.


  • It's the total number of emails sent.
  • Sent %: Emails Sent / Emails Scheduled.


  • It's the total number of emails that were delivered to the recipients.
  • Delivery %: Emails Delivered / Emails Sent.


  • It's the number of unique recipients who have opened.
  • Open Rate: Emails Opened / Emails Delivered.


  • It's the number of recipients who ‘click’ on at least one link.
  • Click to Open Rate : Clicks / Opens


  • It's the number of recipients who submitted the form in the email.
  • Submission Rate : Submissions / Opens


  • It's the number of hard and soft bounces from the recipient list.
  • Bounce Rate: Bounces / Emails Sent


  • It's the number of contacts who have unsubscribed (from your list).
  • Unsubscribe Rate: Unsubscribes / Emails Delivered


  • It's the number of contacts that were not sent an email because they unsubscribed or got bounced in the past.
  • Blocked %: Emails Blocked / Emails Scheduled


When the journey is published


  • This will pause the journey and you'll have an option to select what happens to the active contacts in the journey 
  •  Option - 1: Already enrolled contacts will stop at their current stage in the Journey
  •  Option - 2: Already enrolled contacts will continue through the Journey 
  • No new contacts will be added to the journey
  • A journey once paused can be resumed again


  • This will open the journey builder in read-only mode


  • This will duplicate the selected journey 


  • This will cancel the journey and you'll have an option to select what happens to the active contacts in the journey
  • Option - 1: Already enrolled contacts will stop at their current stage in the Journey
  • Option - 2: Already enrolled contacts will continue through the Journey
  • No new contacts will be added to the journey
  • A journey once canceled cannot be resumed again. If you wish to resume the journey in the future, please use pause instead.

Date filter

  • This will provide you with the ability to filter the journey statistics between the dates as per your requirement


  • This will provide you with an option to export the data shown in the dashboard to a .CSV file
  • Journey summary
  • Contact summary
  • Campaign performance
  • Shopify orders (if Shopify integration is enabled) 


  • This will provide you with an option to enroll existing contacts or upload new contacts via CSV or API into the journey 

When the journey is paused


  • This will resume the journey and new contacts will start getting enrolled


  • This will provide you with an option to edit any existing journey. Please note that the journey needs to be paused for the edit option to be available.


  • This will provide you with the ability to test the journey


  • This will open the journey builder in read-only mode


  • This will duplicate the selected journey


  • This will cancel the journey and you'll have an option to select what happens to the active contacts in the journey
  • Option - 1: Already enrolled contacts will stop at their current stage in the Journey
  • Option - 2: Already enrolled contacts will continue through the Journey
  • No new contacts will be added to the journey
  • A journey once paused cannot be resumed again. If you wish to resume the journey in the future, please use pause instead.

2. Activity logs

How to view and access my running journey dashboard?

2.1 Trigger log

  • A log of all the triggers used for the journey and their summary stats

2.2 Contacts log

  • A log of the last 100 contacts for whom the journey is completed/failed
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If you have any queries, then reach out to us at  Mailmodo Support  or share your thoughts at  Mailmodo Product Feedback. 

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