Help CenterIntegrationsShopify IntegrationHow to Send a Welcome Series to the Customers

How to Send a Welcome Series to the Customers

Last updated February 14, 2024

In this document, you will learn the process of crafting a series of emails that are sent immediately after someone subscribes to receive updates from you. This is the time when you need to introduce new, eager prospects to the products or services you offer. Leveraging a welcome series, you should make the most of this expression of interest.

How to trigger a Welcome Email series?

In the welcome email series, you can use a trigger called "Contact is added to a list." and select “Shopify contacts” list from the options. 

You can learn more about how this trigger works  here.  

Use Mailmodo’s pre-built welcome email series:

We, at Mailmodo, have a pre-built welcome series that is readily available as a part of standard features. You can access this journey in the “Journeys” section of your account. 

Step 1: Go to the Journeys tab and click on “Create journey”

How to Send a Welcome Series to the Customers

Step 2: In an array of popular and industry-specific Prebuilt Journeys, you will find the “Welcome Email Series”

How to Send a Welcome Series to the Customers

Step 3: Read through the details of this journey and click on the “Use this journey” button

How to Send a Welcome Series to the Customers

In this prebuilt journey, we have included:

  1. Trigger the flow when a contact enters a segment
  2. Time delay blocks where appropriate
  3. Send campaign blocks with templates and appropriate messaging
  4. Remember to include personalization parameters that will help you to make these emails more personal and relevant. 

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