Help CenterIntegrationsShopify IntegrationUnderstanding the Shopify Dashboard

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Last updated April 23, 2024

Once you create a Shopify journey, you can see its performance using the journey dashboard. You can also see the performance of each campaign within the journey with the help of the individual campaign dashboard. 

You may want also want to check  Setup Shopify Abandoned Cart Journey 

The Journey Dashboard

Step 1 Click on the ‘Journey’ icon on the sidebar. Click on a particular journey and its dashboard will appear. 

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

The Overview tab gives you an overall idea of how your journey is performing.

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Step 2 - If you want to see the performance of your journey over a particular period of time, enter the dates in the given calendar.

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Step 3 - Click on ‘Export data’ and you will get the data on all orders placed in a .CSV file.

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Campaign Dashboard

Step 1 - To see the campaign dashboard for your Shopify cart abandonment campaign, go to ‘Trigger Campaigns’ and click on the campaign from the list of campaigns.

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Step 2 - The Dashboard has a graphical presentation of your campaign’s performance over a period of time. You can specify a period of time using the calendar. 

The Dashboard also provides a Subject Line Analysis.

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Step 3 - Go to the User Data tab to find information on all user actions. 

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

Step 4 - The Submission tab has all the form responses from users, including users who did not place an order. These responses can be exported by going to Download data and clicking on Form Submissions.

Understanding the Shopify Dashboard

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