Help CenterAccount ManagementAdd your sender domainSetting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Last updated March 10, 2024

You can either use Mailmodo SMTP or AWS SES SMTP for sending emails to your contacts. In this article, we will provide detailed steps on how to configure a new Sender ID using AWS SES SMTP.

Before you begin, please ensure the following prerequisites: 


  • Make sure you have already configured a sender email address for your AWS SES account. For steps on how to add sender email address in AWS SES,     click here    .
  • Make sure you have     admin access     for your AWS account. If you don't have the right permissions, then please work with your AWS account administrator to get the required access or work with them to configure the account.

Detailed Steps

Step 1: Login to your Mailmodo account. Go to the     Settings     page. Select Sender Settings and click Add New Sender.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 2Add your sender id and select AWS as SMTP.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 3There are two ways to add a sender id that uses AWS SMTP-

  • Using access key
  • SMTP credentials
Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Using access key

Step 1Search for IAM in the AWS search bar.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 2Go to users from the left panel in the IAM dashboard.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Click on add users.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 3Add a user name and set access type as “Access key - Programmatic access”. Click on “Next: Permissions”

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 4Set permission as “Attach existing policies directly”. Search for AmazonSESFullAccess and AmazonSNSFullAccess in policies. Attach them by selecting the checkbox against their name. Click on “Next: Tags”. 

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 5You can skip the Add tags step. Click on “Next: Review”.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 6Review the details. Once satisfied, click on Create user.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 7Download the access credentials CSV or copy paste the credentials somewhere safe.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 8Go back to Mailmodo and paste these credentials in Mailmodo.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Using SMTP credentials

Note: Before sending emails via AWS SMTP, please make sure that the account is in the production state, and not the sandbox state.

Step 1Go to SES and select SMTP settings in the left panel.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 2Copy the SMTP endpoint and paste it in Mailmodo.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 3Next click on Create SMTP credentials.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Click on Create.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 4: Once created, click on Show User SMTP Security Credentials. Paste that information in Mailmodo.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP
Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Adding Webhook and Configuration Set

Adding a Webhook helps you keep track of your mail bounces and complaints. This process is optional but we recommend adding the Webhook and Configuration Set so that users have better control over their deliverability management.

After configuring the AWS SES using access keys or SMTP Credentials, a Webhook URL will be displayed, which you need to add to your SES configuration

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 1Search for SNS in AWS console and click on Simple Notification Service.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Kindly note that SES and SNS must be setup in the same region.

Step 2Select Topics from the left panel. Create a new topic.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 3Select topic type as Standard. Give a name to the topic. 

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Scroll down and click on Create topic. 

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 4Once a topic is created click on create subscription.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 5Topic ARN would be pre filled. Select HTTPS as the protocol. Paste the webhook URL generated in Mailmodo.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 6Scroll down and click create subscription.

Once a subscription is created, this screen would be visible.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 7Next go to SES. Select Configuration set from the left panel. Click on Create set.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 8Name the configuration set. Scroll down and click on create set.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP
Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 9Once the configuration set is created, add the event destination. 

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Navigate to event destination tab and click on Add destination.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 10Select the following event types: Sends, rejects, delivery, hard bounces, complaints.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Click on next.

Step 11Select Amazon SNS as destination type. In SNS topic, select the topic you created earlier. Click on Next.

Step 12Review the details and click on Add destination.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP

Step 13Paste the Configuration Set name on the Mailmodo tab containing the Webhook URL. Verify the settings and your SMTP will be configured.

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP
  • Then proceed towards AMP Whitelisting for your sender ID, steps for which are mentioned     here    .

Troubleshooting issues with DNS records addition

There may be a situation where even after adding the requisite DKIM, DMARC and SPF records, the domain verification fails on Mailmodo.

Solving this problem requires inspecting the DMARC and SPF records that have been added, and subsequently changing them if incorrect values have been entered.

To check the DMARC & SPF record that has been added to your domain:

Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP
  • Next, click on the drop-down next to MX Lookup, and you can check for DKIM, DMARC and SPF records for your domain:
Setting up Mailmodo with AWS SES SMTP
  • Now, verify the DMARC & SPF records against their correct values, which are:


_dmarc TXTv=DMARC1; p=quarantine;; pct=10; sp=quarantine


@ TXT"v=spf1 ~all"

Also, keep in mind that multiple DMARC & SPF records are not allowed as they create issues in mail deliverability.

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