Help CenterAccount ManagementAdd your sender domainMy domain has been blocked. What's should I do?

My domain has been blocked. What's should I do?

Last updated June 3, 2024

If Your Domain Is Blocked

If your domain's status is "Blocked", it's generally because your domain is already in use by another Mailmodo account or some other tools altogether.


Your domain has been previously blocked for sending abusive traffic through our service or another provider


because one or more of the requirements below are not met:

Domain Requirements

  • You must own or have administrative access to your domain
  • An A record or MX record in DNS must exist for your domain
  • The organisational domain cannot be used across more than one Mailmodo account (for example, you cannot have associated with one account while belongs to another account)

Website Requirements

Your domain must have a live and working website at http://<sending-domain> or http://www.<canonical-domain>. Note that the canonical domain is the main domain name including TLD but without any subdomain elements. For instance, a sending domain of has the canonical domain

That website must follow these guidelines:

  • Is not under construction or a holding page
  • Contains your privacy policy outlining how you work with your customers' data
  • Does not contain content that violates Sparkpost's messaging policy
  • Resides in the same country from where you registered your account

If you make changes to your blocked sending domain and would like us to re-evaluate your domain, please submit a support request with us.

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