Help CenterCampaign ManagementBest PracticesAdding goals to your campaigns

Adding goals to your campaigns

Last updated February 8, 2024

Goal tracking feature in Mailmodo can be used to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Consider a scenario where you want to asses how much your last email campaign was successful in nudging people to register for a webinar or purchase a product. You can track the number of contacts who performed those events in a particular time span post sending your campaign. This can be useful to gauge your campaign performance and evaluate your ROI on email marketing.

Mailmodo supports goal tracking on the basis of 4 activities-

User opens the email

User clicks any link

User submits a form

User performs an event

Please note - Goals can be added for both bulk and trigger campaigns at the time of campaign creation. However, a goal can not be added to an already existing campaign.

To set goals for your campaign you can start by creating a campaign and adding a goal as discussed below :

Step 1: Click on the Campaigns in the left panel and then ‘Create bulk campaign’.

Adding goals to your campaigns

Step 2: Select a template and click Next. On Add Details page fill in the campaign details and select ‘Set campaign Goal’ on the right.

Adding goals to your campaigns

Step 3: You can define goal conversion based on what your recipient does with your email ( opens, clicks, submits) or if she/he performs an event.

Adding goals to your campaigns

If you choose ‘ Performs an event’ - Add additional information for the event you wish to track and the timeline for that. Click on Save

Adding goals to your campaigns

Step 4: Select your audience and proceed to ‘Review and Send’ page. Review your campaign details including the campaign goal. You can also edit the campaign goal here. Click on ‘schedule or Send’ to launch the campaign.

Please note - You will not be able to edit or delete the goal post campaign launch.

Step 5: Once the campaign is launched you can check campaign dashboard to see your goal performance. To get the list of contacts that have converted you can click on the three dots  →  ‘Export Data’ →  ‘Campaign data’ and see goalAchieved column in the downloaded file.

Adding goals to your campaigns

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