Help CenterIntegrationsPipedreamTrigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Last updated March 8, 2024

To trigger transactional Campaign in Mailmodo through your software stack via Pipedream, follow these



1. Designed an API triggered Campaign

2. An account on Pipedream

1.Creating a New Workflow to trigger the above campaign in Mailmodo whenever a row in appended in your Google Sheet

Step 1: On the Pipedream dashboard, click on 'New Workflows'. Create/Select a Project and name teh workflow.

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Step 2: Since the trigger event will be addition of a row in your Google Sheets, in the trigger tab, choose Google Sheets

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)


Step 3: In the Trigger Event section, choose New Row Added (Instant).

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)


Step 4:  Select the Google Sheets account you want to use. If don’t have an account linked with Pipedream, click on ‘Connect new account’ and choose.

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)


Step 5:  Select the Spreadsheet and Worksheet to be used to create the trigger, and click on ‘Create Source’

Step 6: Event section will display all rows in the Workbook as New Events. Select one of the Event and click ’Continue’

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)
Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

2. Add a Step to generate API trigger

Step 1:  In the App tab, search/click on HTTP/API.

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Step 2:  select on the ‘Send POST request’ to send API trigger


Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Step 3:  Configure the API URL,API Key and Body (get these details from Mailmodo dashboard: Campaigns--> Triggers--> Open one of the API triggered campaign --> Show Setup steps). Map the body Key with the Value from Spreadsheet data.

Mailmodo dashboard:

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Pipedream workflow:

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)
Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)
Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

Step 4:  Click ‘Test’ to send a test Campaign on selected email ID. After getting the Success message for Test Campaign, click ‘Deploy’  to activate the workflow.  

Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)
Trigger campaigns through Pipedream in Mailmodo (by using API)

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