Help CenterJourneyDelay nodes in the journeyWait for time period as a delay in the journey

Wait for time period as a delay in the journey

Last updated May 6, 2024

The "Wait for Time Period" block temporarily halts contacts at a specific point in their journey, ensuring that the timing of each message or update aligns appropriately.

Key steps -

Step 1: Drag and drop the ‘Wait for time period’ card from the left panel. 

Wait for time period as a delay in the journey

Step 2: Connect it to the relevant card in the journey. 

Wait for time period as a delay in the journey

Step 3: Click on the ‘Wait for time period’ card to open the right panel. 

Wait for time period as a delay in the journey

Step 4: Select the delay variable (minutes/hours/days) and add a numerical value in the input field. 

Wait for time period as a delay in the journey

This would mean, that whenever the contact reaches the ‘wait for time period’ step in the journey, the journey would exactly wait for the added time period and then move to the next step. 


Please note that the time delay cannot be less than 1 minute and more than 30 days

Step 5: Click on the Save button to complete the configuration. 

Wait for time period as a delay in the journey

If you have any queries, then reach out to us at  Mailmodo Support  or share your thoughts at  Mailmodo Product Feedback. 

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