Trigger mails via API

Last updated April 10, 2024

This article documents the structure of API requests to be used to trigger mails in Mailmodo.

Mailmodo APIs are completely RESTful and all our responses are returned in JSON.

Using APIs with Mailmodo can help you to

  • Integrate third-party apps and tools,
  • Trigger automated campaigns from third-party apps,
  • Set trigger endpoints for Journey emails.

API Gateway URL:

The Mailmodo API Gateway URL is You need to include this before each API endpoint to make API calls.     See the API documentation     for more details. 

API endpoint:<campaignid>

This URL can be obtained from the 'Campaigns'->'Trigger' tab.

Go to Trigger -> Select the campaign from the list -> Setup steps

Note: Campaign Id can be provided in the URL path or in the payload with ‘campaignId’ key

API Authorization:

Mailmodo APIs are completely RESTful. All Mailmodo APIs are authorized via an API key.

Generate API Key:

  1. Login to your Mailmodo   account   with appropriate credentials.
  2. Navigate to Settings → API Keys → Show API Key to view the default API key. (You may also create a new API Key by clicking on the 'Add new API Key' button)
Trigger mails via API


'mmApiKey': '<api key value>'

'Content-Type': 'application/json'



subject- Optional. If not provided, the original subject set in the campaign will be used
email- Required field - email address of the recipient
data- Optional pwersonalization fields in key-value pairs. ex- "First Name": "Daniel"



message"Email scheduled successfully"/"No campaign Found for the campaignId in Trigger URL, Please check apiKey or campaignId"
ref<reference id>

Sample Requests

POST requests can be generated in multiple ways.

Here are sample cURL and axios request.

Sample CURL

curl--requestPOST \

  --url \

  --header'Content-Type: application/json' \

  --header'mmApiKey: 3BP23E6-GND4HAJ-KZ05RJ3-HGS064T' \

  --data'{"email":"", "subject": "string",



Sample axios

var axios = require('axios');
var data = JSON.stringify(
{"subject":"Hi, this email is from api trigger",
var config = {
  method: 'post',
  url: '<campaign id>',
  headers: { 
    'mmApiKey': '<api key>', 
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  data : data
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {

Personalisation parameters:

You need to make the required personalisations in the parameters before using these. These have to be passed in the 'data' in the form of a 'key-value' pair and are meant to assign values to personalisation used in the subject line/ body of the mail.

For eg. {"firstName" : "John"}

Important notes

  • 'Subject' is optional, if not provided, the original subject set in the campaign will be used
  • Campaign Id can be provided in the URL path or in the payload with the campaignId’ key

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