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How to create an A/B test campaign ?

Last updated May 2, 2024

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is sending 2 different versions of your email to your sample contacts in the email lists/segments to see which version performs better. The version that receives more engagement is then sent out to the rest of your contacts. You can read more about A/B testing  here 

In this article, you'll learn how to create an A/B testing campaign in Mailmodo. 

Your A/B test campaigns will be created in a series of steps. You start off with deciding what you want to test e.g. subject line or content and then select your lists/segments. You then set up the criteria to automatically decide which version should be selected as the winner and then you review and send the campaign. 

Step 1: Start with your A/B test creation 

After selecting the template and entering campaign details, to begin creating your A/B test campaign, click Create A/B test at the bottom of the page

How to create an A/B test campaign ?

Step 2: Choose what you want to test

You can select to test any of the variables i.e. subject line or content. If you choose content A/B testing you will be able to select 2 templates - Version A and Version B. While doing content A/B testing, we recommend preparing your template versions in advance so that you can select them easily here.  

How to create an A/B test campaign ?

Step 3: Select your contacts 

Select the segments/lists for your campaign and move to the next step to configure. 

How to create an A/B test campaign ?

Step 4: Decide the winning criteria for your A/B test 

In this step, you configure the sample size of your contacts that will receive your A/B tests, the winning criteria, and the time for which your A/B test should run before deciding the winner automatically. 

You can choose the winning metric as Open rate or Click rate based on your test. In case of a tie, we always select Version A as a fallback winner. 

How to create an A/B test campaign ?

You can review the campaign details and test the emails in the next step and schedule your A/B test campaign successfully. Once the campaign is scheduled, you will start seeing the A/B test performance and winner for your campaign in the A/B test dashboard.

How to create an A/B test campaign ?

If you have any queries then reach out to us at  Mailmodo Support  or share your thoughts at  Mailmodo Product Feedback .

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