Help CenterAccount ManagementAdd your sender domainSetting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Last updated December 24, 2023

You can either use Mailmodo SMTP or SendGrid SMTP for sending emails to your contacts. In this article, we will provide detailed steps on how to configure a new Sender ID using SendGrid SMTP. 

Before you begin, please ensure the following pre-requisites: 


  1. Make sure you have already configured a sender email address for your SendGrid account. For steps on how to add sender email address in SendGrid,   click here  .
  2. Make sure you have   admin access   for your SendGrid account. If you don't have the right permissions, then please work with your SendGrid account administrator to get the required access or work with them to configure the account.

Detailed Steps

Step 1: Go to the     Settings     page. Select Sender Settings and click Add New Sender 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 2: Add a Sender Email, and choose SendGrid from the list of available SMTPs. Click ‘Continue’. 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 3: A dialogue box will appear where you need to enter the display name and API key from your SendGrid account

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 4: Open your     SendGrid     account. Go to API Keys under Settings.

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 5: Click the Create API Key button on the top-right corner. 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 6: When you create the API key, select Full Access for API permissions. 

Click the 'Create & View' button.

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 7: Copy the generated API Key and enter it in the Mailmodo dialogue box.  Click Submit.

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP



Step 8: A Webhook URL will be generated on the dialogue box. Copy the Webhook URL. 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP


Step 9: In SendGrid, go to Mail Settings under Settings in the left sidebar. 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 10: Click on Event Webhook. 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 11: Enter the Webhook URL from Mailmodo under HTTP Post URL

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 12: Select all the events under Deliverability Data and Engagement Data. Click on the Test your Integration button. Finally, click the Save button 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 13: Verify the Webhook URL in Mailmodo. And now, Mailmodo is successfully integrated with SendGrid SMTP.

For verification, we will send an email to check that your email address is properly configured. If any error is detected, then you would not be able to use that sender email (until errors are resolved).

Email verification alone may sometimes not be sufficient for Sender Authentication. In that case Domain Authentication is also required.

Step 14: Open your     SendGrid     account. Go to Settings→Sender Authentication.

In case Domain Authentication is not verified, click on Authenticate Your Domain and proceed as follows-

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

a. Add DNS host name and select your brand link preference.

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

b. Enter your domain and edit additional settings.

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

c. Add DNS records to your host.

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

d. Once done, click on verify. 

Setting up Mailmodo with SendGrid SMTP

Step 15: Go to Mailmodo Sender Settings and click on Verify under Domain Authentication

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