Help CenterJourneyTrigger nodes in the journeyTrigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Influencerbit

Trigger Journeys in Mailmodo through Influencerbit

Last updated July 11, 2024

In this article, we will see how to create journeys in Mailmodo triggered by events recorded in Influencerbit.

Use Cases

A journey can be triggered for the following use cases-

  • When an Instagram username is recorded in Influencerbit, an email will be sent to the influencer, nudging them to mention your brand in an Instagram post. Be sure to include relevant CTA's and incentives in your email.
  • Every time your brand is mentioned in an Instagram post, an email will be sent to the influencer thanking them for their post. You can also reward them with discount codes and gift coupons.


Use case Specific Requirements

  • Your Instagram account should be connected with your Influencerbit account 
  • You should be collecting Instagram usernames in Influencerbit (either manually or with integrations)


  • If you want to send unique coupon codes/gift cards to influencers, you would need to contact Influencerbit for custom integration.
  • If you want to implement both the use cases, you would have to create two separate journeys with their respective campaigns.


In this article, we will cover

1. Creating a template in Mailmodo

2. Creating a Journey in Mailmodo

3. Integrating Mailmodo and Influencerbit

Creating a Template in Mailmodo

Step 1: Go to templates from the vertical menu on the left side. Click on create new template.

Step 2: Either select a blank template or a pre made template from Template Gallery

Step 3: Use the editor to edit the template. Save and rename the template upon completion.  After saving, click on back arrow.

Step 4Click on save and exit.

Creating a Journey in Mailmodo

Step 1: Go to Journey from the vertical menu on the left.

Step 2: Click on Create Journey.

Step 3: Select "API & External Platforms" as the trigger and choose "InfluencerBit" from the dropdown.

Step 4: Choose any ‘Action card’ from the left panel. You can use ‘Send campaign’ if you wish to trigger a campaign using Influencerbit as a trigger. Click on the ‘Send campaign’ block and add details.

Step 5: Design the complete journey and click on the Next button. 

You can review all the important details of the journey at one glance, such as the list selected, nodes used, testing the journey, and so on to see if they match your requirements perfectly.

Step 6: The journey would be visible on your dashboard. Make sure the journey status is Running. Click on Enroll contacts as shown below 

Step 7: In the new pop-up ‘Influencer bit’ will be shown as a trigger by default. Click on the show ‘API key’. This API key will be used to connect Mailmodo to Influencerbit.

Note: You can also get the API key from Mailmodo Integration Page

Go to Integrations from the vertical menu (on the left)->Locate Influencerbit from the list of platforms->Click to authenticate->A dialogue box will open, Copy the API key.

To access the key in the future, go to Integrations-> Locate Influnecerbit in Connected Platforms-> See Details

Now, we have to integrate Mailmodo with Influencerbit.

Integrating Mailmodo and Influencerbit

Step 1: Click on Integrations on the Influencerbit dashboard.

Step 2: Select Mailmodo from the list of platforms. Click on Connect.

Step 3: A dialogue box will open. Paste the API key copied from Mailmodo. Give a suitable List Name. 

Paste the Journey ID for the use case you want to implement. If you want to implement both the use cases, you need to create two different journeys (with their respective campaigns).

Keep the Campaign URL field blank. This is used for sending unique discount codes to each user. If you want to use this feature, you can contact Influencerbit for custom integration.

Step 4: Click on Activate. 

Make sure your Mailmodo journey status is Running.

Every time a new Instagram username is recorded (or your brand gets a mention on Instagram), the respective journey will be triggered and an email will be sent to the influencer.

To test new username journey, go to home->People/Influencers->Import->Manual Entry->Add IG Username and Email. An email would be sent to the added influencer.

You have successfully created a trigger journey!

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