Help CenterIntegrationsShopify IntegrationHow to Setup Shopify Web Pixel Tracker

How to Setup Shopify Web Pixel Tracker

Last updated February 1, 2024

Web Pixels have you collect contact behavioral data for marketing campaign optimization and analytics.

Pixels are JavaScript code snippets that run on your Shopify store and collect behavioral data, such as Site Visited, Product Viewed, Product Added to Cart, Product Removed from Cart, Cart Viewed, etc.

How to Install Web Pixel on Your Shopify Store

Unless you’re using the latest version of Shopify Mailmodo app,  you’d see a prompt on the configuration page .

How to Setup Shopify Web Pixel Tracker

Make sure to update the Shopify Mailmodo app by clicking on the update button and following the below mentioned steps

How to Setup Shopify Web Pixel Tracker

That’s it. You would now be able to track customer behavioral date and use them to create segments and trigger journeys.

If at any point, you decide not to track customer behavior data, you can disable it from here.

How to Setup Shopify Web Pixel Tracker

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