Help CenterPop up formsHow to configure popup form settings?

How to configure popup form settings?

Last updated August 6, 2024

In this article, we will explore how to configure specific settings to determine when the popup form should appear on your landing page or website.

Popups can be set to trigger based on different events.

  1. Time frame
  2. Page scroll
  3. Exit intent
  4. Mouse event

This document talks about exit intent trigger in details.

How to Use the Exit Intent Feature in Embeddable Popups

Accessing the Exit Intent Settings

  1. Navigate to Settings: Once logged in, go to the Settings menu.
  2. Select Rules: In the Settings menu, find and click on the Rules option.
  3. Choose Exit Intent: Under Rules, locate and select the Exit Intent option.

Configuring Exit Intent Options

Web Configuration

  1. Enable Exit Intent for Web: Ensure the Exit Intent feature is enabled for desktop.
  2. Set Trigger Conditions:
  • Immediate Trigger: Configure the popup to trigger immediately when the user is about to leave the page.
  • Delayed Trigger: Set a specific delay time (e.g., 5 seconds) after the user’s exit intent is detected before showing the popup.

Mobile Configuration

  1. Set Mobile-Specific Triggers:
  • Scroll Detection: Configure the popup to trigger when the user scrolls up quickly, indicating they might be leaving the page.
  • Back Button Detection: Set the popup to trigger when the user presses the back button on their mobile device.
  1. Customize Mobile Popup Content: Design the mobile popup content to be concise and mobile-friendly.

Publishing the Exit Intent Popup

Publish the Popup: Go to the popup management area and publish your popup. Ensure it is correctly embedded on the desired web pages.

Testing the Exit Intent Popup

  1. Live Testing: After publishing, perform live tests on both web and mobile to ensure the Exit Intent popup appears as expected by trying to leave the page.
  2. Please note that by default the Popup will only appear once when trying to leave the page.

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