Help CenterWhat's New2024April 2024: New Features in Mailmodo

April 2024: New Features in Mailmodo

Last updated September 2, 2024

We are excited to share new updates in our product that'll help you improve your email journeys and campaigns.

✨ Generate complete Shopify email templates with AI

Till now, you could only generate or modify the template copy using AI. Now, you can create the entire template end-to-end using AI.

Just enter details like campaign type, intent, products to promote, etc., and see the magic. You will get an instant template with a generated copy, images, and CTA for your use case.

This feature has been released for Shopify integration. You will find this option on the ‘Templates’ page if you have a Shopify store integrated with Mailmodo.

 Try it out 👉 


👀 Create segments based on the product/collection viewed

You can now add ‘Viewed product’ or ‘Viewed collection’ as a condition while creating segments for your Shopify campaigns. You can also specify a time period and specific products they should have viewed as a segment entry condition.

Such a segment can be used to trigger a browse abandonment journey for a specific product.

 Learn more 👉 


➡️ Trigger journeys using shipment status

We now have a new Shopify trigger event called ‘Updated Shipment Status’.

Using this, you can now trigger shipment notifications like 'Out for Delivery' or ‘Order Delivered’ via Mailmodo.

 Try it out 👉 


Wait, there's more…

📨 Add ‘reply to email’ in campaigns triggered by API.

✅ Import email and SMS marketing consent status as contact properties from Shopify.

📑 Improved view of ‘User data’ insights in the individual campaign dashboard. At the end of the page, you can download the full report with open, click, or bounce data.

🔔 Get notified via email and on the platform whenever your spam complaints cross 0.1%, 0.2%, or 0.3%.

🏷 Coupon description/criteria will now be shown in the widget to prevent the buyer from discovering later that their order doesn’t meet coupon conditions.

Upcoming features in Mailmodo ⛷️

🤖 Drag and drop editor to make the template creation process easier.drag and drop editor preview


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